Linguistics in the word units of the Thai language

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Kanitta Noybangyang


This academic article aims to present linguistic concepts in the Thai word units. By studying information from documents and research, the conceptual framework of linguistics in Thai language, it was found that language is an important tool used by all human beings of all languages to communicate. Because every activity that occurs on a daily basis requires language to communicate or transmit at all. Whether spoken language, written language or even body language so will see that language is very important and essential language education, especially Thai language. To be able to understand the characteristics of the Thai language and to be able to analyze the Thai language clearly. Therefore it is necessary to study language in terms of linguistics as well. Because linguistics is a science that can be applied in the analysis of languages well, but because linguistics is still considered a relatively new science and many people are misunderstood or not very familiar with it. Therefore, this article will provide an overview of the Thai language units and linguistics.

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How to Cite
Noybangyang, K. (2021). Linguistics in the word units of the Thai language. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(2), 137–148. Retrieved from
บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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