Development of Teaching Package on the Four Iddhipada for Matthayomsueksa 3rd Students, Huay Yang Witthayasan School, Khon Kaen Province

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Phra Suphadet Dhammatharo (Satthaphon)
Somkhuan Namseethan
Prayoon Saengsai


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the development of the instructional package on the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas, 2) to compare the learning achievement before and after learning management on the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas for students in Mathayom 3, 3) to study the learning behaviors on the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas for students in Mathayom 3 of Huayyangwittayasan School, Khon Kaen Province. This study was conducted by means of the experimental research methodology and selected a specific samples method included 16 third year secondary school students. The research tools were the instructional package, achievement tests and behavioral tests. The statistics used in analyzing the data were: Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation. (Pre-Test, Post-Test).
The research results were as follows:
1. The development of the instructional package. The results of the pre-test indicated that students understood the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas at the moderate level and after post-test, they understood at a well as they were able to answer the test.
2. The comparative results of the learning achievement before and after being taught indicated that the post-test score was higher than that of the pre-test with the statistical significance level of 0.05.
3. The development of the instructional package on the Four Iddhipāda Dhammas after being applied in the learning process leads to the understanding of the behaviors towards the instructional package that the students have the behaviors at the highest level in all studied aspects ranked from understanding cooperative learning, teaching, easy contents and, assessment and evaluation.

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How to Cite
Dhammatharo (Satthaphon), P. S. ., Namseethan, S., & Saengsai, P. (2021). Development of Teaching Package on the Four Iddhipada for Matthayomsueksa 3rd Students, Huay Yang Witthayasan School, Khon Kaen Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(2), 65–74. Retrieved from
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