The Effect of Performance Management System and Compensation Management on Employee Job Satisfaction: A Case Study of a Real Estate Development Company in Thailand

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Todsaporn Nuwongsri
Kritkorn Nawakitphaitoon


The purposes of this research are 1) to study the level and relationship between performance management system, compensation management and employee job satisfaction and 2) to study the effect of performance management system and compensation management on employee job satisfaction. This quantitative study gathered data using a questionnaire from 313 employees at a real estate development company in Thailand. The descriptive statistics and inferential statistics used for data analysis are percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis.
The results from this study showed that:
1. The employees had an opinion towards the performance management system at the high level. Similarly, they had an opinion towards compensation management and job satisfaction at the high level. In addition, performance management system was moderately and positively correlated with employee job satisfaction at the statistical significance level of .01 (r = 0.58) while compensation management was relatively high and positively correlated with employee job satisfaction at the statistical significance level of .01 (r = 0.68).
2. The performance management system, particularly the goal setting and the reward system components had a significant impact on employee job satisfaction while the compensation management, particularly management of compensation, compensation for transactions, and compensation for relationship components had a significant impact on employee job satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Nuwongsri , T. ., & Nawakitphaitoon, K. . (2021). The Effect of Performance Management System and Compensation Management on Employee Job Satisfaction: A Case Study of a Real Estate Development Company in Thailand. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(3), 151–162. Retrieved from
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