Development of Community Leadership through Five Precepts and Five Virtues in Mueang Loei District, Loei Province

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Weeranuch Promjuk
Chakkrapong Fongchai
Prakob Kongyamat


This research aimed at Study to: 1) Explain the development of community leadership based on the principles of the five principles and the five principles. in Mueang Loei District, Loei Province, 2) Analyze and synthesize the formulation of strategies in practice of community leaders with the principles of the Five Principles and the Principles, and 3) to produce a manual for developing community leadership based on the Five Principles and the Five Principles. Using a quantitative and qualitative research model analyze the data by
descriptive methods.
The results of the research were as follows:
1. Development of community leadership based on the principles of the Benjasila and the Benjadhamma. In Mueang Loei District, Loei Province, the overall consistency of the community leadership was at a moderate level.
2. Analyzing and synthesizing strategies the principles of the Benjasila and the Benjadhamma requires preparing teachers for teaching methods. Teaching tools a wide range of tools, equipment and activities.
3. Prepare a manual for community leadership development based on the principles of the Five Principles, consisting of principles and reasons, visions, missions, goals, content, activities, training plans and quizzes, with high levels of satisfaction in all aspects. The qualitative data revealed that the first precept is slaughter. Persecution of animals is a sin. And to encourage community leaders to keep the first precept; to break the second precept is stealing, causing trouble to the society. Let the community leaders keep the second precept to create peace for the community. Breaking the third precept creates divisions within the family. Let leaders keep the 3rd precept. Breaking the 4th precept creates divisions for society. Let the community leader’s act strictly to create peace for society and breaking the fifth precept is drinking and intoxicating things including drugs it is destroying the future of the nation including accidents caused by drunkenness to encourage leaders to strictly observe the 5 precepts as a role model for the people.

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How to Cite
Promjuk, W. ., Fongchai, C. ., & Kongyamat, P. . (2021). Development of Community Leadership through Five Precepts and Five Virtues in Mueang Loei District, Loei Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(3), 115–126. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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