Developing Online Teaching Skills For students English Faculty of Humanities Mahamakut Buddhist University Lanna Campus

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Phramaha Varasaya Varasayananda
Unten Laping
Pradit Kammungkun
Phramaha Sahassachan Rattanasanti
Phra Pitak Phengkot


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the effective and effective online teaching and learning model can be adapted to suit students in the English language Faculty of Humanities Mahamakut Buddhist University, Lanna campus, 2) suggest the development of students' online teaching skills and 3) study the students' satisfaction with online teaching and learning. It was a mixed-use research, both quantitative and qualitative research. The research sample selected a specific sample group. By choosing to study only for bachelor's degree students English branch the Faculty of Humanities Year 2, 3 and 4 used questionnaires and interview forms together with group discussions as tools. To collect information using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics in data analysis.
The results of the research were as follows:
1. An efficient and effective online teaching-learning model. Which can be adapted to suit students. There are 3 formats: 1) online teaching and learning format by developing appropriate teaching media, 2) an online teaching-learning format by developing a group of learners and members; and 3) an online teaching and learning model.
2. Improving the teaching and learning management of the faculty found that teaching content should be added in the form of video clips or in the form of cache ports. Many channels to increase teaching efficiency.
3. Satisfaction with online teaching and learning of students. It was found that the satisfaction of the lessons moderate lesson design moderate and in terms of use is at a high level.

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How to Cite
Varasayananda, P. V. ., Laping, U. ., Kammungkun, P. ., Rattanasanti, P. S. ., & Phengkot, P. P. . (2022). Developing Online Teaching Skills For students English Faculty of Humanities Mahamakut Buddhist University Lanna Campus. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(1), 79–92. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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