The Creation of Chinese Nationalistic Awareness of the Dai Ethnic Group in the Sipsongpanna Region, via Implementation of Chinese Educational Material in Students from Primary One to Secondary Three (Year 2000-2016)

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Bode Yu
Arphon Thiragun


This research aims to: 1) to study the creation of Chinese nationalistic awareness of the Dai ethnic group in the Sipsongpanna region, via the implementation of Chinese educational material in students from primary one to secondary three, 2) to analyse certain topics and material in relation to how a Chinese nationalistic awareness is created. The scope of this study covers Chinese educational material from primary one to secondary three, all of which were determined by the government during 2000-2016; a total of 18 textbooks were implemented. The research methodology utilized in this study was primarily documentation analysis, where a selection of data from Chinese patriotic material in 18 textbooks were selected for further evaluation.
The results of the research reveal that:
1. Directives issued since year 1890 mark the beginning of plans to publish Chinese text-book materials for levels from primary school to secondary school, and also mark the government’s determination of centralized education textbooks. According to the study, it was found that the said textbooks contained patriotic material that influenced the adoption of Chinese culture into Tai Lue society, and such actions by the government have instilled concepts of patriotism at a young age.
2. It was found that material regarding the instillment of patriotism appears in all grades. The author found sixteen volumes which add up to seventy-three articles or a total of fourteen percent. The aforementioned may be separated into 23 articles based on cultural topics, 20 articles on patriotism, 15 articles on heroism and national leaders, and 10 articles on national symbols.

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How to Cite
Yu, B. ., & Thiragun, A. . (2021). The Creation of Chinese Nationalistic Awareness of the Dai Ethnic Group in the Sipsongpanna Region, via Implementation of Chinese Educational Material in Students from Primary One to Secondary Three (Year 2000-2016). Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(3), 137–150. Retrieved from
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