The Perception of value and role of Sub-District Headman and Village Headman in Chumpae District, Khon Kaen Province

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Somkid Chamnikul
Peerasit Kanmuansilpa


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the public opinion about the roles and duties of the village headmen and 2) to assess the satisfaction and the necessity of having a headman the village headman in the community is an exploratory research. These research use questionnaires as a research tool. Data were collected from 149 people sampling by a systematic randomization method. The area of research is Chum Phae District, Khon Kaen Province.
The research results show that:
1. The level of knowledge by the respondents about the roles of the headmen was low. They had an average knowledge score of only 8.44 of a possible 20 (only 42.2%). Despite their lack of knowledge, approximately 92% of the respondents in this study still believed the positions of the sub district headmen.
2. The village headmen are essential, and about 86% were content with the performance of sub district headman and village headman in their area.

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How to Cite
Chamnikul, S. ., & Kanmuansilpa, P. . (2021). The Perception of value and role of Sub-District Headman and Village Headman in Chumpae District, Khon Kaen Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(3), 89–100. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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