The Evaluation of Science Mathematics Program Curriculum for Upper Secondary Students in Buakao School

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Ketsaraporn Thinchamnong
Jiraporn Chano


The present study aimed 1) to evaluate the elements congruence of Science Mathematics program curriculum for upper secondary students in Buakao School, 2) to evaluate quality of learning management of Science Mathematics program curriculum and 3) to evaluate students’ quality in Science Mathematics program curriculum. The sample of the study were 213 consisted of 5 school’s administrators, 10 committee of Science Mathematics program curriculum, 18 teachers in Science Mathematics program curriculum, 90 students in Science Mathematics program curriculum and 90 parents of students in Science Mathematics program curriculum sized by using Krejcie& Morgan table. The instruments used to collect data were 1) questionnaire of elements congruence, 2) questionnaire of learning management quality,         3) questionnaire of students’ quality and 4) unstructured interview.                      The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

           The results of the study revealed as follows;

  1. The results of evaluation the elements congruence of Science

Mathematics program curriculum for upper secondary students in Buakao School shown that overall of the elements rated in the most level (= 4.56 – 4.88 ), when considered into each aspect shown all aspects rated in the most level.

  1. The results of evaluation quality of learning management of

Science Mathematics program curriculum yielded that overall of the quality rated in the most level (= 3.60 – 4.93 ), when considered into each aspect pointed out that all aspects rated in the most level.

  1. The results of evaluation students’ quality in Science

Mathematics program curriculum indicated that overall of students’ quality rated in the most level (= 2.93 – 4.90 ), when considered into each aspect revealed that all aspects rated in the most level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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