The The Development of Thai Language Learning Activities Using KWL Plus and Paired Reading Technique of Grade 3 Students

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Anongwagee Putthima


The purposes of this research were: 1) to develop Thai Language Learning Activities using KWL Plus and Paired Reading Technique for Grade 3 students and 2) to compare the reading for main idea between before and after learning through KWL Plus and Paired Reading Technique for Grade 3 students. This study was conducted by means of the pre-experimental research and selected a cluster random sampling. The sample consisted of 34 students, during the second semester in the academic year 2020, Ban Chiang Dao School. The instruments that used to collect data were 18 lesson plans of Thai Learning by Using KWL Plus and Paired Reading Technique, and reading for the main idea test. The data were analyze by using mean, standard deviation and t-test for one dependent sample.
The research result finds that:
1. Thai Language Learning Activities using KWL Plus and Paired Reading Technique consisted of six steps namely; 1) Pairing 2) Search basic knowledge about the story read (K) 3) Checking that what you want to know (W) 4) Reading 5) Checking that what you have learned by the story read (L) and 6) Creating a mind map and writing a summary.
2. The grade 3 students learning by using KWL Plus and Paired Reading Technique has posttest score higher than pretest at the .01 level of significance.

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How to Cite
Putthima , A. . (2021). The The Development of Thai Language Learning Activities Using KWL Plus and Paired Reading Technique of Grade 3 Students. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(4), 45–56. Retrieved from
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