The Effects of Positive Psychology Capital Enhancment Program of Students, Faculty of Education, Buriram Rajabhat University

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Patcharee Thungkaew


This research of objective to: 1) there was a significant interaction between the techniques and the durations of the experiment at the .05 level, 2) Comparison of the post period positive psychology capital score of the experimental group and the control group, 3) Comparing the follow-up positive psychology capital period of the experimental group and the control group, 4) Comparing the pre period and post-experimental positive psychology capital score of the experimental group and 5) compared the positive psychology capital scores in the pretest and follow-up phases of the experimental group. Quasi-experimental research. The 24 samples were purposive sampling from 3rd year students of the Faculty of Education, Buriram Rajabhat University. The research instruments were 1) positive psychological capital assessment form with a reliability of .89 and 2) a positive psychological capital enhancement program. Data were analyzed with mean, standard deviation and two way repeated measures ANOVA.
The research found that:
1. There was Interaction between experimental methods and experimental periods at the significance statistical level of .05
2. The experimental group that participated in the positive psychological capital enhancement program had a higher psychological capital scores of post-experiment than the control group at significance statistical the .05 level.
3. The experimental group that participated in the positive psychology capital enhancement program had a psychological capital scores in the follow-up period higher the control group at significance statistical the .05 level.
4. The experimental group that participated in the positive psychology capital enhancement program had a higher psychological capital scores in the post-experiment period than in the pre-experiment period at significance statistical the .05 level.
5. The experimental group that participated in the positive psychology capital enhancement program had a psychological capital scores the follow-up period a higher than in the pre-experiment period with at significance statistical the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Thungkaew, P. . (2021). The Effects of Positive Psychology Capital Enhancment Program of Students, Faculty of Education, Buriram Rajabhat University. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(4), 1–12. retrieved from
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