Adaptation of Government Organizations to the Era of Digital Government

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Phramaha Thainoi Yanamethi (Salangsing)
Phra Silasak Sumato (Buntong)


This academic paper on the adaptation of government organizations to the digital government era the author has been presented with the objective of studying the adaptation of government era. In order to creative a trend of importance in the adjustment government organizations aiming to solve problems and respond to the implementation of government’s electronic policy. To be able in using in the government organizations at all levels, all important sectors. So that government agencies personnel can recognize the urgent need to be able to change the strategic context. The way of working of government agencies with the intention of enhancing readiness both in conceptual frame work and skills in using modern information technology. In order to achieve the transformation process of the modern era like the digital government era, to increase the capacity of government agencies or the private sector, they have to compete with each other. Service providing aspect, service quickly responding to needs of people who come to receive services in agencies or organizations. Today’s due to the needs of people need convenience and speed. Therefore, it is necessary to drive and drive by adoption of information technology. To work efficiency and effectively in accordance with the policies of the digital government in a sustainable way.

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How to Cite
Yanamethi (Salangsing), P. T. ., & Phra Silasak Sumato (Buntong). (2021). Adaptation of Government Organizations to the Era of Digital Government. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(3), 289–300. Retrieved from
บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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