The Model of Teacher Development in Learning Management for 21st Century for Educational Opportunity Schools under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 3

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Chaowarin Kaewprom
Chumnian Pollaharn
Chayakan Ruangsuwan


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the components and indicators of learning for 21st century, 2) study the current and the desirable state of developing learning for 21st century for educational opportunity expansion schools under Khon Kaen primary educational service area office 3, 3) create the model of teacher development in learning management for 21st century and 4) study the results of the experimental model. The research was divided into four phases as follow; Phase 1; study the components and indicators of learning management for 21st century, with 9 experts. Phase 2; study the current and the desirable state of learning development for 21st century. This was done by working with 237 school administrators and teachers, the research instrument was questionnaire, confidence of the whole questionnaire .79. Phase 3; create the model of teacher development in learning for 21st century, this was done by a group of 9 experts for focus group discussion and 9 experts for Connoisseurship and Phase 4; study the results of using the model with target group of 16 people.
The results found that:
1. The components of learning management for 21st century consisted of 4 major components and 15 minor components and 79 indicators including child-centered learning, Learning technology base learning, development of Management system and, formative evaluations.
2. The current state in overall was at high level and the desirable state in overall was at the highest level.
3. The model components comprised principles, objectives, content activities, development process and assessment. The result of evaluation for accuracy, propriety, feasibility and utility was at the highest level in overall.
4. The results of using the model of teacher development in learning for 21st century for educational opportunity expansion schools under Khon Kaen primary educational service area office 3 was at the highest level and satisfaction was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Kaewprom, C. ., Pollaharn, C. ., & Ruangsuwan, C. . (2021). The Model of Teacher Development in Learning Management for 21st Century for Educational Opportunity Schools under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(4), 195–212. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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