Innovative Leadership of School Administrators under the Primary Education Service Area Office in the Northeast

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Decha Lunawong
Waro Phengsawat
Wanpen Nantasri


The purpose of this research are to study the components of innovative leadership of school administrators. Under the Primary Education Service Area Office in the northeast This research is a documentary research by studying 19 research papers related to innovative leadership of educational institution administrators, interviewing 7 experts and studying 3 outstanding schools to synthesize the components of the situation. innovative leader the research instruments consisted of a document analysis form and a structured interview form. Analyze the data by content analysis.
The research result finds that: There are four main components of innovative leadership among school administrators: 1) having an innovative vision, 2) teamwork and innovative participation, 3) having creative thinking skills and 4) having innovative personality.

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How to Cite
Lunawong, D. ., Phengsawat, W. ., & Nantasri, W. . (2021). Innovative Leadership of School Administrators under the Primary Education Service Area Office in the Northeast. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(4), 213–220. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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