Model Religious Practices of Monks in the New Normal Era under the Epidemic Situation of the Disease Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)

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Phramaha Amka Worapanyo
Phra Phalakorn Sumangalo
Sirivadee Wiwithkhunakorn


The objective of article is studying the concept about model religious practices of monks in the new normal era under the epidemic situation of the disease coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) and to synthesize model guidelines for driving appropriate religious practices of monks to cope with the situation that arises by four noble truths. To know and understand about effect, cause, protection method and treatment method together with comprehension, abandonment, realization and development by integrating according to the quality cycle concept “PDCA, this is planning for promotion religious practices. The monks have knowledge and understand that how can Disease Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) be prevented?. The Buddhist have knowledge and understand about guidelines for conducting oneself correctly by the monks as models for teaching and practices such as spacing, wear a cloth mask/ hygienic mask, frequent hand washing with soap and alcohol gel or stick to D-M-H-T-T-A and Universal Prevention for Covid-19 to guidelines for religious practices through various religious practices such as morning and evening routine, paying homage to the Patimokkha, ordination ceremony, auspicious and auspicious events, issuing alms, traveling to perform religious activities outside the temple, the practices of Buddhists who come to make merit on important religious days include : Buddhist holy day, Makha bucha day, Visakha bucha day, Asanha bucha day, Buddhist lent day, End of Buddhist lent day and etc. To have the way correct practices without conflicting with religious principles and promote health and well-being of body, mind, behavior, emotion, social and wisdom. Achieve the ultimate goal is born as a culture, way of life or routine which is the guidelines of religious practices in new normal era.

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How to Cite
Worapanyo, P. A. ., Sumangalo, P. P. ., & Wiwithkhunakorn, S. . (2022). Model Religious Practices of Monks in the New Normal Era under the Epidemic Situation of the Disease Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(1), 361–372. retrieved from
บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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