The Causal Model towards Government Defense Anti-Corruption Measurement of Government Procurement of Electronic Biddingin Bangkok, Thailand

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Nantita Lertsongkramchai
Natnicha Chotpittayanon


The objectives of this research are as follows: 1) to study the levels of procurement corruption, good governance, STRONG, and preventing corruption in procurement by electronic bidding method; 2) to study the factors affecting for preventing corruption in procurement by electronic bidding method; and 3) to study the guidelines for preventing corruption in procurement by electronic bidding method. This research utilized a mixed method. In the quantitative research part, the sample consisted 400 people. Data were collected via a questionnaire and analyzed with a Structural Equation Model. In the qualitative research component, in-depth interviews were performed with 15 key informants.They were selected by purposive sampling. Data were then analyzed with content analysis.
The research findings showed that:
1. Good governance, STRONG, and preventing corruption in procurement by electronic bidding method were rated at a high level, except for procurement corruption was at a moderate level.
2. The structural equation model of factors affecting the preventing corruption in procurement by electronic bidding method are in line with empirical data, as shown by the Chi-square = 253.59, df = 83, p-value = 0.000, GFI = 0.91, and RMSEA = 0.08. It is found that factors affecting the preventing corruption in procurement by electronic bidding method are STRONG with the coefficient of 0.65 and good governance with the coefficient of 0.34 respectively.
3. The guidelines for preventing corruption in procurement by electronic bidding method as follow: enhance transparency by using Open Government Data and good governance principles, enhancing the process of public participation in procurement monitoring, management according to the principles of Public Sector Management Quality Award, and Increase penalties for procurement offenses.

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How to Cite
Lertsongkramchai, N. ., & Chotpittayanon, N. . (2022). The Causal Model towards Government Defense Anti-Corruption Measurement of Government Procurement of Electronic Biddingin Bangkok, Thailand. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(2), 125–134. Retrieved from
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