The Developmental Patterns of Parents of children with Movement Disabilities Kalasin Special Education Center

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Pataranan Ingpoo
Urasa Promtha
Chamnian Polhan


The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the problems and needs of parents with children mobility disabilities in Kalasin special education center, 2) to create and confirm the parental development model of children with mobility disabilities impairments, 3) to study the effect of using the parental development model of children with mobility disabilities. This was a qualitative research which was divided into 3 phases: 1) study the problems and needs of parents with children mobility disabilities in Kalasin special education center sample groups was 100 parents of children with mobility disabilities. 2) create and confirm the parental development model of children with mobility disabilities impairments in Kalasin special education center was 7 experts to draft the model, 7 evaluators to verify the model’s suitability 3) study the effect of using the parental development model of children with mobility disabilities in Kalasin special education center sample groups was 10 parents of children with mobility disabilities. Research instruments, questionnaires, group discussion form, observation form, and statistics which were used in data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The results of the research were as follow:
1. The problems and needs of parents with children mobility disabilities in Kalasin special education center, the results indicated that the level of problems and needs of parents with children mobility disabilities in the Kalasin Special Education Center Overall, the level of problems and demands were at a high level.
2. Parental Developmental Patterns of Children with mobility Disabilities Kalasin special education center was most suitable when considering each item, the highest level were: Principle, Objective, Content, Activities/Operational Procedures, and Evaluation.
3. The effect of using the parental development model of children with mobility disabilities in Kalasin special education center after the experiment had higher average than before.

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How to Cite
Ingpoo, P. ., Promtha , U. ., & Polhan, C. . (2022). The Developmental Patterns of Parents of children with Movement Disabilities Kalasin Special Education Center. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(2), 33–44. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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