The Role of Monks in Environmental Management of the Community in Khon Kaen City
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The purpose of this research is to study the role of monks in environmental management of the community in Khon Kaen city. By using a qualitative approach to collect the important data from 13 respondents, this study conducts an in-depth interview and with and without participatory observation.
The results reveal that: monks play a key role in being a leader to set up a system and policy about the community environmental management. Particularly, monks are the ones who take the problem seriously and lead the villagers to act earnestly, and this widely spreads to the communityat the household level. The role of educating the environment through the Buddhist principles to enhance knowledge and understanding of the villagers towards the problem and treat it at their own house, the community environmental management needs to promote and encourage monks and villagers to work and develop a space together. Specifically, the central space should be open for temples, villages, monks, and villagers to exchange, talk, and discuss frankly, and find a solution to address an environmental problem together.
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