The Model of Teacher Development in Learning Management by Using Active Teaching and Learning Approaches in Banlalom School, Sisaket Province

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Phatthana Sangkomon


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the current condition, problems and needs for teaching and learning management for teachers in Banlalom school. 2) to develop a model of teacher development in learning management by using active teaching and learning approaches in Banlalom school, Sisaket Province. 3) to study the development of knowledge and understanding in learning management by using active teaching and learning approaches and 4) to study the satisfaction in using the teacher development model in learning management by using active teaching and learning approaches in Banlalom school, Sisaket Province. The target groups were 22 teachers at Banlalom school. The study is about research and development. The research tools were 1) the model of teacher development in learning management by using active teaching and learning approaches in Banlalom school, Sisaket Province. 2) Questionnaire 3) assessment form and 4) test. The data was analyzed by content analysis. The statistics that used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation and growth score.
The results of the research were:
1. The present condition as a whole and in all aspects was at a moderate level. The overall and all aspects of problem condition were at a high level and the need for teacher development in learning management through training methods.
2. The developed model had 5 components which were background of the model, principle, objectives, activities, and measurement and evaluation. Which the overall style was appropriate at the highest level.
3. The teachers were cognitive developed in learning management after the development according to the overall pattern at 81.12% which higher than before
4. The overall and all aspects of the satisfaction to the use of the model were at the high level.

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How to Cite
Sangkomon, P. . (2022). The Model of Teacher Development in Learning Management by Using Active Teaching and Learning Approaches in Banlalom School, Sisaket Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(1), 153–166. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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