The Structural Equation Model of Administrative Factors Affecting Schools Effectiveness of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office in Kamphaeng Phet

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Waraporn Jarumetheechon
Suwat Waranusat
Choocheep Phutthaprasert


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study administrative factors and schools’ effectiveness, 2) to develop and verify the structural equation model of administrative factors affecting the schools’ effectiveness, and 3) to prepare policy and practical recommendations in order to develop the administrative factors affecting the schools’ effectiveness. The research is a mixed method research were 96 informants attended of administrative factors and effectiveness, 640 informants attended level of administrative factors the effectiveness and verified the structural equation model and 12 experts attended the policy and practical recommendations in order to develop the administrative factors affecting the schools’ effectiveness. Research instrument were questionnaires form, content analysis form, evaluated form. Analyze data using means, standard deviation, Chi-square test (x²), relative Chi-square (x²/ df), SRMR, RMSEA, TLI, CFI.
The findings were as follows:
1. According to the administrative factors affecting the schools’ effectiveness under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area in Kamphaeng Pet Province, the aspect with the highest performance was the management behaviors, followed by the leadership characteristics of the schools’ administrators and the schools’ atmosphere.
2. According to the structural equation model of administrative factors affecting the schools’ effectiveness of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office in Kamphaeng Phet, the findings revealed as follows: Chi-square calculation of 229.989, degree of freedom of 109, relative Chi-square (x²/df) of 2.110, SRMR index of 0.043, RMSEA index of 0.050, TLI index of 0.946, and CFI index of 0.957.The results indicated that the model was consistent with the empirical data.
3. Regarding policy and practical recommendations in using the structural equation of administrative factors affecting the schools’ effectiveness, they consisted of policy objectives, policy proposal, and implementation of the policy in 3 aspects such as the schools’ atmosphere, the leadership characteristics, and the administrative behaviors of the schools’ administrators. The results of consideration revealed that the appropriateness, consistency, possibility and usefulness were all at a high level.

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How to Cite
Jarumetheechon, W. ., Waranusat, S., & Phutthaprasert, C. . (2021). The Structural Equation Model of Administrative Factors Affecting Schools Effectiveness of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office in Kamphaeng Phet. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(4), 155–168. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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