The Scenario of Thai Vocational Education in the Next Decade (2022-2031)

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Atthaphon Sangkawasee
Pha Agsonsua
Chaiyuth Sirisuthi


The purposes of this study were: 1) to study the vocational education conditions of the Office of the Commission of Thai Vocational Education by interviewing 21 qualified specialists using semi-structured questionnaires, and 2) to define the scenario of Thai vocational education in the next decade (2022-2031), using the same sample group through EDFR technique. The research tools were semi-structured interviews form and Likert’s 5 scale questionnaires. In this regard, trends which had 3 qualification were selected. Firstly, median of the trend was more than 3.50. Secondly, interquartile range of the trend was not over 1.50. Thirdly, specialists’ congruence percentage of the trend was equal to or over 85 percent. The statistics employed for analyses of data included the percentage, mean, median, mode and inter-quartile range.
The research findings revealed that:
1. There were various problems facing Thai Vocational Education not only in the input aspect, but also in the process and the output aspects.
2. The study on the scenario of Thai vocational education it was found that there were 39 possible trends for input aspect, 62 possible trends for process aspects, Lastly, and 22 possible trends for output aspect.

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How to Cite
Sangkawasee, A. ., Agsonsua , P. ., & Sirisuthi, C. . (2021). The Scenario of Thai Vocational Education in the Next Decade (2022-2031). Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(4), 221–234. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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