Public Policy on Drug Prevention and Suppression of Thailand

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Sasiwimon Kummuang
Saket Panthuan
Teeradon Kongsitrattanatrakul
Phasakorn Dokshan


This academic article was determined to study the drug suppression policy in Thailand. The objectives of this research were investigating situations of drug prevention and suppression from the past until now, causes, environmental conditions, including factors contributing to the drug epidemic that had been exponentially severe today. No matter how much the problem was prevented and suppressed with great effort in all possible ways, the critical drug epidemic did not tend to decrease significantly. At the same time, this study attempted to reflect the failure of the government's public policy implementation and analyze how the government propelled the policy to solve the problem. This research also presented the factors that affected the failure of policy implementation and offered efficient means to drive the achievement of drug prevention and suppression policies nowadays.

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How to Cite
Kummuang, S. ., Panthuan, S. ., Kongsitrattanatrakul , T. ., & Dokshan, P. . (2022). Public Policy on Drug Prevention and Suppression of Thailand. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(2), 409–420. Retrieved from
บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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