A Model for Preventing Corruption in Schools of Opportunity Expansion Schools under Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1
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The purposes of this research was: 1) to study the condition of preventing corruption in educational opportunity expansion schools 2) to develop a model for preventing corruption in schools of opportunity expansion schools 3) to assess a model for preventing corruption in schools of opportunity expansion schools. This study had three steps: Step 1 to explore the prevention of the subject: a model for preventing corruption in schools of opportunity expansion schools by sample arrow. The sample group consisted of 50 administrators and teachers acting as group leaders. The questionnaire was used as a tool which a confidence value was 0.95. The data were analyzed using basic statistics such as mean and standard deviation. Step 2 to develop a model for preventing corruption in schools of opportunity expansion schools by synthesizing content. Analyze the data collected from the sample, draft a model and then check suitability through a group discussion of six experts. Step 3 to assess a model for preventing corruption in educational opportunity expansion schools. The sample consisted of 50 administrators and teachers acting as heads of the administration group. Data were analyzed by using basic statistics such as mean and standard deviation.
The research result finds that:
1. The state of preventing corruption in in educational opportunity expansion schools. The overall educational opportunities were at a high level. Participate in fraud prevention, raising awareness, anti-corruption values, and administrative processes in preventing corruption accordingly.
2. Developing a model for preventing corruption in schools of opportunity expansion schools consists of three parts. 1) Introduction consisting of ideas, principles, and purposes. 2) Consisting of the main components of the corruption prevention model in educational opportunity expansion schools and operational guidelines in educational institutions. 3) Conditions for success.
3. The results of the assessment of a model for preventing corruption in schools of opportunity expansion schools, found that the model was appropriate, possibility and usefulness at the highest level.
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