Innovation and Mechanism for Developing Health Potential for the Elderly using Community, Religion, and Lanna Wisdom as a Base in Chiang Mai Province

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Phramaha Chatchai Moonsarn
Phramaha Wiset Sorpobdee
Phramaha Boona Pratumchat
Phrakhru Siriborrommathatpitak
Uten Larping


The objectives of this research article were 1) synthesize the integration of Buddhist principles and activities for health enhancement and prevention of depression among the elderly in Chiang Mai; 2) Synthesis of community-based innovation studies. for the health care of the elderly by using family and temples as the base in Chiang Mai;
3) synthesizing professional potential development from Lanna herbal products of the elderly in Chiang Mai; and 4) synthesizing mechanisms for developing and promoting the elderly's health by using Community, religion and Lanna wisdom are based in Chiang Mai. is a qualitative research The target group for the selective selection research used the interview form and group discussion as a data collection tool. Conduct in-depth interviews, arrange meetings, collect data with audio recordings and record notes.
The results showed that:
1. The application model of mindfulness that is suitable for people with depression is Principles of solitude and meditation.
2. The results of the synthesis of community-based innovations for the elderly's health care found that families and temples are the bases that mainly focus on the physical and mental health care of the elderly. There are network partners to help and support.
3. The results of the synthesis of professional potential development from herbal products found that monks were the center of the mind together with community sages who had knowledge and experience in Thai traditional medicine. Established Jao Yong Herb Club.
4. The results of the synthesis of mechanisms for developing and promoting well-being of the elderly found that there was a mechanism for clergy leadership, government work mechanism, social mechanism for helping each other and community volunteer mechanisms. Recommendations for research should create a process for jointly formulating a plan for the development of the elderly community according to the mechanism by using the resources available in the community for maximum benefit.

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How to Cite
Moonsarn, P. C. ., Sorpobdee, P. W. ., Pratumchat, P. B. ., Phrakhru Siriborrommathatpitak, & Larping, U. . (2022). Innovation and Mechanism for Developing Health Potential for the Elderly using Community, Religion, and Lanna Wisdom as a Base in Chiang Mai Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(1), 291–306. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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