The Model of Social work with Buddhist Integration of Asean Women’s Association in Kalasin Province

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Umarin Lertsahaphan
Phra Sophonphatthanabandit
Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study principles related to the integrative Buddhist social welfare in Buddhism; 2) to study the model of the integrative Buddhist social welfare of the Kalasin ASEAN Women's Association; 3) to propose a model of the integrative Buddhist social welfare of the Kalasin ASEAN Women's Association. This study is qualitative research by using in-depth interviews, focus group discussion and observation form as its tools.
The research results were as follows:
1. Principles related to the integrative Buddhist social welfare in Buddhism: It is a study of the doctrine of social welfare in the scriptures the disciples integrated in social teaching.
2. The integrative Buddhist social welfare model of the Kalasin ASEAN Women's Association: It has been organized in five areas of action: social service, education, public benefit, cultural continuation and spreading the Dhamma.
3. To propose the integrative Buddhist social welfare model of the Kalasin ASEAN Women's Association: The Four Saṅgahavatthu Dhamma was adopted as a model for social welfare: 1) Dāna (giving) was organized in the form of the Kalasin Happiness Model Project, ‘Kalasin people leave no one behind’, the project to build love for the disabled, the project to help the Red Cross, the project to deliver encouragement during the festival, the project for young people called ‘Wai Kaew-Wai Sai Term Waccin Jai Sansaiyai Songserm Khunnatham’, etc.; 2) Piyavācā (kindly speech) was conducted in the form of a language learning project to prepare for joining the ASEAN community, etc.; 3) Atthacariyā (useful conduct) was carried out in the form of a project to enhance women's careers to create opportunities and hopes in life, a tourism project to develop potential of 10 countries in ASEAN; 4) Samānattatā (equality consisting in impartiality) was conducted in the form of the project in five areas.

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How to Cite
Lertsahaphan, U., Phra Sophonphatthanabandit, & Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo. (2022). The Model of Social work with Buddhist Integration of Asean Women’s Association in Kalasin Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(1), 51–62. Retrieved from
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