A Model for Developing Online Learning Management with Creative Innovation in the Situation of Next Normal of Schools in Khon Kaen Province

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Somkhuan Namseethan
Panjitr Sukumal
Phra Dabatsawin Phapatsaro (Saensuriwong)
Phramaha Ampol Dhanapañño (Chaisaree)
Wudhichai Yaowapho


This research has a purpose to study the condition to study the pattern and to present a model for developing online learning management with creative innovation in the NEXT NORMAL situation of schools in Khon Kaen Province. This is qualitative research, which is a focus group or an in-depth interview using a purposive sampling method. Key Informants: 20 administrators and teachers who provide information for focus group meetings: 10 administrators and teachers. The tools are: in-depth interview and group discussion issues. Group data analysis by content analysis method and inductive analysis (Analytic induction) by interpretation link relationship and draw conclusions from the data analyzed.
The results of the research found that: Creative online learning management In NEXT NORMAL situations, most schools will use the teaching system in the form of learning through Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts Meet, Zoom Cloud Meetings, Line, Facebook Live. in learning management such as website, PowerPoint, YouTube, ZOOM, Google Classroom as appropriate for teaching and learning Through the tools are computers, notebooks, tablets, smartphones and the Internet. according to the context, space and readiness of students and parents to use the device. A model for developing online learning management with creative innovation. Teaching activities can be divided into 3 types: Teach by letting children learn from pictures 50% (Visual), Taught by having children learn by listening 38% (Auditory) Teach by letting children learn from practice 12% (Kinesthetic). Organizing learning activities through online systems the teachers use the Online Learning App model as appropriate for the context of the students and the context of each school in order to be effective in teaching and learning management resulting in academic achievement in normal circumstances.

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How to Cite
Namseethan, S. ., Sukumal, P. ., Phra Dabatsawin Phapatsaro (Saensuriwong), Phramaha Ampol Dhanapañño (Chaisaree), & Yaowapho, W. . (2024). A Model for Developing Online Learning Management with Creative Innovation in the Situation of Next Normal of Schools in Khon Kaen Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(1), 269–282. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/254249
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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