Morale and Spirit in the Performance of Personnel of Nong Khaem District Office, Bangkok

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Wimonrat Chaisri
Rachen Noppanatwongsakorn


The objectives of this research are 1) to study the level of the morale and spirit in the performance of personnel of Nong Khaem District Office, Bangkok, 2) to compare the morale and spirit in the performance of personnel of Nong Khaem District Office according to personal factors, and (3) to suggest appropriate guidelines for boosting the morale and spirit in the performance of personnel of Nong Khaem District Office. The population of this study was 508 personnel of Nong Khaem District Office. The tool used for data collection was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data collection were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and statistical values using t-test and F-test One Way ANOVA.
The results showed that:
1. The morale and spirit in the performance of personnel working in Nong Khaem District Office, Bangkok in all four factors were overall at a high level. Considering each factor, a factor indicating the highest average level was overall performance (mean score of 4.22), followed by stability of operation (mean score of 4.20), characteristics of operation (mean score of 4.07), and compensation and benefits (mean score of 3.97), respectively.
2. The results of comparing the morale and spirit in the performance of personnel of Nong Khaem District Office revealed that personnel working in Nong Khaem District Office according to personal factors such as gender, age, educational level, and marital status, average monthly income, and job position, overall did not affect the morale and spirit in the performance of personnel of Nong Khaem District Office.
3. Suggestions and appropriate guidelines for boosting the morale and spirit in the performance of personnel in Nong Khaem District Office were that the superiors must have a clearly written order in assigning work, and various welfares for the personnel, including organizing training and seminars, should be provided in order to enhance the skills and potential of the personnel thoroughly.

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How to Cite
Chaisri, W., & Noppanatwongsakorn, R. . (2022). Morale and Spirit in the Performance of Personnel of Nong Khaem District Office, Bangkok. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(2), 153–164. Retrieved from
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