Strategy Development to Promote Small and Medium Enterprises in Loei Province

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Dech Wattanawittayanukul
Panruethai Putthongsri
Supawadee Sumran
Chaiyapruek Hongladdaporn


This research is intended to 1) study current conditions, problems, and the wishes and needs for the promotion of small and medium enterprises in Loei Province. 2) develop strategies to promote small and medium enterprises in Loei Province, and 3) implement the strategy for promoting small and medium enterprises in Loei Province and evaluate the results of the implementation of the strategy. Participants of this research included representatives of SMEs, and associated agencies in Loei Province. The research method which I utilized was the Participatory Action Research method (PAR). The research instruments used include in-depth interviews, group discussions, brainstorming meetings, and collaborative action. The analysis of the data gathered included two parts consisting of the analysis of the number data, frequency, mean, and standard deviation as well as that of the qualitative data intended for the analysis of the content.
The results revealed that:
1. Current conditions show that there are 1,440 SME entrepreneurs in Loei Province. The problems that they are facing are the lack of accessibility to the marketing channel, the lack of working capital, the difficulty in accessing sources of capital, and the lack of knowledge in management. The SME entrepreneurs wish for the promotion of the market, accessibility to sources of capital especially those which provide low-interest capital, and the promotion of education in management.
2. Results of the development of the strategy to promote SMEs in Loei Province, which were analysed by and received contributions from the civil society forum, consist of the vision "Loei Province SMEs are leaders in the development of business competition, coordination, and promotion of education as well as linking up entrepreneurs so that they can achieve success and step forward into the world market", 4 strategies, 4 missions, 4 goals, 5 tactics, 45 projects, and 50 indicators.
3. Results of the implementation of the strategic development to promote SMEs in Loei Province and the evaluation of the implementation of the strategy, which includes 4 projects, were satisfactory in every single instance.

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How to Cite
Wattanawittayanukul, D., Putthongsri, P. ., Sumran, S. ., & Hongladdaporn, C. . (2022). Strategy Development to Promote Small and Medium Enterprises in Loei Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(2), 201–212. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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