The Model of Academic Management According to the Iddhibada 4 Principles in Secondary Schools Under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 10

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Patpronchai Makvilai
Boonchurd Chumnisart
Suddhipong Srivichai


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the condition of academic administration, 2) to develop a model for academic management according to the Iddhibada 4 Principles, and 3) to propose a model of academic management according to the Iddhibada 4 Principles, using mixed method research. A questionnaire was used, a sample of 341 people, data were analyzed by statistical means, percentage, and standard deviation. The model was developed by interviewing 10 key informants and focus group discussions with 10 experts. Data were analyzed by content analysis.
The results showed that:
1. Conditions of Academic Administration in Secondary Schools under the office of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Region 10, as a whole, was at a high level. In descending order, they are Assessment and Evaluation and the transfer of academic results development and use of technological media for education development of learning process Educational curriculum development and internal quality assurance and educational standards.
2. Develop a model based on interview results, draft a model (1st draft), and hold a focus group. To improve the model of academic administration (2nd draft).
3. The model were 4 components: Part 1 Leading part, which are 1) environment 2) principles of academic management 3) objectives of academic management. Part 2 The model, which are 1) scope of academic management, the Iddhibada 4 Principles and project to develop academic management according to the Iddhibada 4 Principles 2) academic management process. Part 3 Implementation process, which are 1) structure 2) decision making 3) evaluation guidelines, and Part 4 conditions for success.

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How to Cite
Makvilai, P., Chumnisart, B. ., & Srivichai, S. . (2022). The Model of Academic Management According to the Iddhibada 4 Principles in Secondary Schools Under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 10. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(4), 281–294. Retrieved from
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