Creative Tourism Model Based on Cultural Capital Tai Dam Case Study Ban Na Pa Nard, Loei Province

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Thanakrit Pattarathorn
Kriangsak Soisuwan


This research was aimed to study the community context and spatial cultural capital to develop and evaluate the creative tourism model based on cultural capital toward a case study of Tai Dam of Ban Na Pa Nard, Loei Province. Mixed-method research methodology was implemented and the qualitative data was collected using focus group discussions through interviews and small group discussions. The quantitative data was collected with questionnaires to evaluate the appropriateness, and the data was analyzed by Content Analysis, Mean, and Standard deviation.
The results revealed that:
1. For the context of Ban Na Pa Nard community, the villagers are Tai Dam people who maintain their distinctive, hold on the belief about ancestors, and still have the same way of life which has been modified to fit well with today’s society. Their outstanding cultural capital included the traditions, rituals, beliefs, identity, and the way of life of Tai Dam people. The target group which are related to the Tai Dam community: (1) people living in Ban Na Pa Nad and are of Tai Dam descent and is related to tourism in Ban Na Pa Nad with a body of knowledge that can be transmitted in culture The life of the Tai Dam people Recognized by the villagers of paddy fields and experts involved in creative tourism.
2. The creative tourism model was developed by beginning with considering the cultural capital according to the basic criteria that creative tourism activities need creative design based on 10 Criteria for developing creative tourism activities, applying the activities selected for tourists to try doing, and assessing the tourists’ satisfaction in order to take suggestions for the improvement.
3. According to the appropriateness of the model evaluated by 9 qualified specialists, the overall appropriateness was at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.53). The implementation of creative tourism activities designed for tourists to do / tourist satisfaction was evaluated the highest, and at the most appropriate (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.67), followed by consideration of cultural capital based on prerequisite criteria / design of cultural capital-based creative tourism activities, as the second highest, which was the most appropriate (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.60), and the appropriateness of cultural capital search, the third highest, which was the most appropriate (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.22).

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How to Cite
Pattarathorn, T., & Soisuwan, K. . (2022). Creative Tourism Model Based on Cultural Capital Tai Dam Case Study Ban Na Pa Nard, Loei Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(3), 141–158. Retrieved from
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