Development of Learning Activities Based on Design Thinking Process in General Education Courses to Enhance Desirable Characteristics According to the National Higher Education Qualifications Framework of University of Phayao Student

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Narin Nonthamand
Narissara Suaklay
Kanwara Pumila
Sumittra Intha
Nattapong Promwong
Namngern Chantaramanee จันทรมณี


This research is intended to: 1) Develop teaching activities using design thinking processes in general education to promote desirable University of Phayao graduate qualifications in accordance with the Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. 2) Study the results of using teaching activity models using design thinking processes. This study is the Research and Development. The samples used in the research were 450 undergraduate students in the second year of University of Phayao who enrolled in general education, semester 1, academic year 2020, as followed by a classified sample. Research tools are learning skills assessment and innovation. Analyze data using narrative statistics, reference summary statistics, and content analysis.
The results showed:
1. The model of teaching activities using design thinking processes in general education is at the highest level (M = 4.69, S.D. = 0.47).
2. The results of a comparison of average scores, learning skills and innovation from student self-assessment showed that the average score after activity was statistically significantly higher than before the activity at .05.

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How to Cite
ChonthidaThephinlap, Narin Nonthamand, Narissara Suaklay, Kanwara Pumila, Sumittra Intha, Nattapong Promwong, & จันทรมณี N. C. (2022). Development of Learning Activities Based on Design Thinking Process in General Education Courses to Enhance Desirable Characteristics According to the National Higher Education Qualifications Framework of University of Phayao Student. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(3), 205–220. Retrieved from
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