Teamwork Affecting the Vocational Standard of Private Vocational Colleges in Sakon Nakhon Province

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Thadchataporn Lorwongngam
Pornthep Satheannopakaow
Suphirun Jantarak


The purposes of this research were: 1) to examine the level of teamwork in private vocational colleges in Sakon Nakhon Province, 2) to investigate study the relationship between teamwork and the vocational standard of private vocational colleges in Sakon Nakhon Province, 3) to identify the predictive power of teamwork affecting vocational standard of private vocational college in Sakon Nakhon Province, and 4) to find out the guidelines of teamwork development affecting the vocational standard of private vocational colleges in Sakon Nakhon Province. The samples consisted of administrators, teachers and personnel from 20 colleges in Sakon Nakhon Province. The sample size followed the table of Krejcie and Morgan was 205 samples, but for this research there were 240 participating samples, that selected by using stratified sampling technique. The instruments of this research included a set of 5 rating-scale questionnaires concerning teamwork questionnaire with the discriminative power between 0.54-0.86, the reliability of 0.97, and the vocational standard questionnaire with the discriminative power between 0.48-0.87, the reliability of 0.98. Statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson Product-moment Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Regression Analysis.
The research findings were as follows:
1. Teamwork and vocational standard in private vocational colleges were at a high level.
2. Teamwork and the vocational standard of private vocational colleges showed a positive correlation.
3. Teamwork affecting the vocational standard of private vocational colleges at a statistical significance of .01 level which is mutual acceptance and work participation.
4. The guidelines of teamwork development affecting the vocational standard of private vocational colleges contained 2 aspects, namely, the participation in work and mutual acceptance.

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How to Cite
Lorwongngam, T. ., Satheannopakaow , P. ., & Jantarak, S. . (2023). Teamwork Affecting the Vocational Standard of Private Vocational Colleges in Sakon Nakhon Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(2), 125–136. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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