The Guidlines for Promoting Sufficency Economy Principles with the Doctrine of Duddhism on Thungkularonghai Community, Kasetwisai District Roi-et Province

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Phra Sarawut Visarato (Vichaiyo)
Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan
Phra Soponphanabundit
Phra Anusorn Parakkamo


The objectives of this research aim to; 1) study the promotion of sufficiency economy principles, 2) explore the economic problems in Thung Kula Ronghai Community, Kaset Wisai District, Roi Et Province, 3) investigate the guidlines for promoting the sufficiency economy principles with Buddhist Principles in Thung Kula Ronghai Community, Kaset Wisai District, Roi Et Province. This research is qualitative research by collecting in-depth interview as the data following the research methodology.
The research results were found that:
1. The promotion of the sufficiency economy principles with Buddhist principles: the principle of solitude, which means living a life of self-sufficiency. The right livelihood is an honest occupation. Ditthamikatta 4 is to know how to use the available resources to the maximum benefit.
2. The economic problems in this community, the results revealed that 1) poverty, 2) drought and 3) pesticides.
3. The guidlines to promoting sufficiency economy with Buddhist principles to solve problems in Thung Kula Ronghai community, KasetWisai District Roi Et Province for sustainable development of the quality of life of the community is 1) for poverty, people should focus on the community to maintain sufficiency in both consumption and lifestyle including honesty, patience, diligence and avoiding actual trends. 2) for drought people should manage water in various forms such as dredging swamps irrigation and 3) for chemical problems, they should use of organic fertilizers for reducing chemicals.

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How to Cite
Phra Sarawut Visarato (Vichaiyo), Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan, Phra Soponphanabundit, & Phra Anusorn Parakkamo. (2022). The Guidlines for Promoting Sufficency Economy Principles with the Doctrine of Duddhism on Thungkularonghai Community, Kasetwisai District Roi-et Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(4), 309–324. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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