The 'Rak-Na-Khwan' Ceremony in Buddhism
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The 'Rak-Na-Khwan' ceremony in Buddhism: in India, before the Buddhist era, the Aryans originally were semi-nomadic herderswho began to settle down by farming and raising animals with various rituals to make sacrifices, worship, pray to the gods about crops such asthe god of earth, water, wind, fire, and other natures. In the Buddha's life, the way of life of the farmers was related to the traditions and culture of farming, which was the practice believed to produce complete food andbring good luck and security to life, property, and related things, such as the ceremony of worshiping the goddess, the ceremony to Kwan Mae Phosop, etc., which in the Pāli language is called the ceremony about planting rice or 'Royal VappmangalaCeremony'.
The 'Rak-Na-Khwan' ceremony in the Kasibhāradavāja Sutta: farming was one of the Sakya family's occupations during the Buddha's time. Most of the names were related to rice, such as (1) Suddhodana, (2) Totodana, and (3) Amittodana. The structure of the Kasibhāradavāja Sutta can be classified into five parts as follows: (1) individuals consist of Lord Buddha, Kasibhāradavāja Brahmins, and 500 Brahmins; (2) places include Brahmin villages named Eknāḷā and Dakkhiṇāgīrīrural in Magadha; (3) the Dhammas consist of Saddhā, Tapa, Hiri, Citta, Sati, Saṁvara, Soracca, and Viriya; (4) agriculture consists of crops, rain, yoke, plow, ropes, plows, and skewers, plucking grass, harvesting sickles, liberating plows and cattle; (5) the rituals consist of the 'Rak-Na-Khwan'ceremony, equipment, and attendees of the ceremony.
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