The Integration of ITTHIPATA 4 with the New Theory Agriculture
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The new theory agriculture is the principle of management of agricultural land and water for agriculture to gain maximum efficiency and benefits. It can enable farmers to produce four factors for their livelihoods consumption and all year round. Farmers can support themselves and generate income based on the principle of self-reliance, non-destructive natural resources, systematic planning of operations, and strengthening the family and community. Using the ITTHIPATA; 4 or to integrate with the new theory of agriculture increase the efficiency of farmers' operations to successfully plan objectives. It starts with CHANTA; which is the will or aspiration to work on agricultural farms with love and knowing how to plan and work systematically. Secondly, VIRIYA; is the energy and effort of farmers who are indomitable in the face of hardships in their work. They should have a responsibility in duty and control the work to be following the specified plan. Thirdly, CHITTA; is focusing active thought to achieve success, they should concentrate on work interests and gain new knowledge for self-improvement. Fourthly, VIMANGSA; is the use of intelligence to investigate operations, ponder, find reasons, improve and check operating procedures to develop strengths, and fix weaknesses to increase operational efficiency. If farmers integrate the 4 principles of basis for success to integrate with the new theory agriculture, they will be able to succeed in their goals with the willingness to do, focus on what they do, pay attention to what they do, and finally be confident in what you do. Farmers will be successful. The work process is more systematic and can generate more income for families and sustainable communities.
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