Cooperrative Enhancement of Community Council in Community Resource Management

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Sittichai Thummakun
Somkid Kaewthip
Chalermchai Panyadee
Pradtana Yossuck


The qualitative study aimed to investigate Cooperrative enhancement of community council in community resource management. Data were collected through documentary review and in-dept interview conducted with 15 key informants. Who passed the conditions and criteria for selecting key informants. Being knowledgeable expertise and have work experience related to driving the work of the community council that connects to community resource management issues. Obtained data were analyzed by using content analysis for objective finding.
Results of the study revealed that: Regarding to the cooperation enhancement of both internal and external community resource management, it consisted of the following components: 1) the common ideology of becoming a possessor contribution; 2) collaborative central space design; 3) common goal setting; 4) shared value; 5) building interactions through the collaboration; 6) creation of existence participation from on sectors on the basis of collective leadership; 7) common agreement to manage community resources together; and 8) continuous collaboration review.

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How to Cite
Thummakun, S., Kaewthip, S. ., Panyadee , C. ., & Yossuck, P. . (2023). Cooperrative Enhancement of Community Council in Community Resource Management. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(1), 17–30. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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