The Development of the Quality of Life in Mangala Sutta

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Phrakhru Wiriyakhunnasarn Wiriyo
Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan


The doctrines in the Mangala Suttawere principles for improving the quality of life that aimed to lead to both physical and mental well-being, arising from receiving physical, psychological, social and other responses related to life Beliefs, values, morals and ethics are forged to create balance with elements indicators in various aspects reflected the quality of life at the beginning, low level and high level in the auspicious Mangala Sutra, emphasizing the importance of 2 parts: 1) improving the quality of life in the world; to achieve the basic necessities of living, 2) Development of the quality of life through Buddhism; to live with wisdom, solve suffering with wisdom, it was to improve the quality of life by building a life on the basics and taking him away from worldly pleasures to spiritual freedom above all suffering.

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How to Cite
Wiriyo, P. W., & Phrakhru Sudhikhambhirayan. (2023). The Development of the Quality of Life in Mangala Sutta. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(4), 341–352. retrieved from
บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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