Communication Innovation for Immunizing Vulnerable Youth Against Problems with Drugs and Unplanned Pregnancy in Khon Kaen Province

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Phrakrupalud Surawut Candadhammo
Phrakru Sangkarakthawee Abhayo
Phrapalad Wasan Teerawaro
Akkharadet Neelayothin
Saengatit Thaimit
Surasak Audmuangpiea


The purposes of this research were; 1) to study communication innovation to build immunity problems with drugs and unavailability of vulnerable youth in Khon Kaen province, 2) to analyze communication innovation, 3) to develop communication innovation and 4) to publish the handbook of communication innovation. This research was the mixed methods research integrating quantitative and qualitative research. For quantitative research, the sample group of this research defining the sample size by calculating random sampling formula for unknown population was 100 teenagers with systematic random sampling from 13-18-year-old teenagers with drugs and unavailability living in Khon Kaen province. The quantitative research tool was the questionnaire. The group sampling method was purposive sampling. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation and one sample T-test.
The research result was found that:
1. There were 4 elements of communication innovation to build immunity problems with drugs and unavailability of vulnerable youth. There are sender, message, receiver, and channel or media.
2. Communication innovation to build immunity problems with drugs and unavailability of vulnerable youth in Khon Kaen province was; 1) modern technology use such as Facebook, Line, and applications with knowledge resource access, 2) career training center and community activities, 3) much more technology information and youth training projects, 4) mindfulness practicing, and 5) the sentry box in front of the village.
3. Forms of communication to build immunity problems with drugs and unavailability of vulnerable youth in Khon Kaen province was overall statistically significant at the .05 level in pre-test and post-test.
4. The handbook of communication to build immunity problems with drugs and unavailability of vulnerable youth in Khon Kaen was published.

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How to Cite
Candadhammo, P. S., Abhayo, P. S., Teerawaro, P. W. ., Neelayothin, A., Thaimit, S., & Audmuangpiea, S. (2023). Communication Innovation for Immunizing Vulnerable Youth Against Problems with Drugs and Unplanned Pregnancy in Khon Kaen Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(1), 195–206. Retrieved from
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