Using Japanese Blackboard Writing to Enhance Students’ Computational Thinking in Classroom by Using Lesson Study and Open Approach

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Krailas Mathrmool
Theptithut Kheawkham


This research objective was to study the pattern usage of Japanese blackboard writing to enhance students’ computational thinking in the classroom by using lesson study and open approach, is qualitative research the target groups were: twenty-three students from Grade 3 students and five persons in lesson study team in the first semester of the academic year 2021 from a small public primary school in Phitsanulok. The data were collected during ten weeks using lesson plans, teacher’s field notes, video records, pictures, and students’ worksheets. Analysis methods were content analysis and video with protocol analysis, and descriptive analysis was used to present the information.
The results showed that: the lesson study team created a lesson plan which focused on how to use Japanese blackboard writing to enhance students’ computational thinking as follows: 1) The left area: The teacher used for lesson revision or the posting pictures of an open-ended problem relating to the student’s daily life with conditions and rules. These pictures are a concrete representation. This area is to encourage students to be interested and take into account student’s problematic. 2) The middle area was used to post an open-ended situation, the order of activity, and the presentation of students’ ideas that had been anticipated before. Teachers consider the teaching aids as a semi-concrete representation, such as cards and conditional cases for expanding and linking students’ ideas in each group. This area is to motivate the whole class discussion and comparison with the use of teacher questions for encouraging the students’ thinking and 3) The right area was utilized for summarizing the solution process and students’ computational thinking involving to the lesson objectives through whole class discussion. This area is leading to abstract representation such as sequences, conditionals, and loops and then the cognitive tools of learners was created to use connect to the future lessons.

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How to Cite
Mathrmool, K. ., & Kheawkham, T. (2023). Using Japanese Blackboard Writing to Enhance Students’ Computational Thinking in Classroom by Using Lesson Study and Open Approach. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(2), 81–96. Retrieved from
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