Integrating Buddhist concepts to apply in the aged society in the COVID-19 Era

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Thitiporn Sasom
Chet Nimmatapat


This article aims to present the integration of Buddhist concepts to for older people in the aged society amidst the COVID-19 era to apply the concepts effectively. Nowadays, Thai society has completely stepped into an aged society. There are concerns that some problems might occur and impact the government or related agencies, to deal with preparedness for older people’s illnesses. In addition, the COVID-19 situation urges, a need to pay special attention to the aged society. Therefore, the Buddhism concept and principles are integrated as a base for development to elucidate older people about the truth of nature and life in the face of changing situations. The Buddhist principles can encourage people to know how to help themselves, to beware of the human potential to solve problems, and recognize the conditions. However, it is also considered appropriate for the current implementation as well.

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How to Cite
Phrachayanantamunee, Sasom, T., & Nimmatapat, C. . (2023). Integrating Buddhist concepts to apply in the aged society in the COVID-19 Era. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(1), 235–246. Retrieved from
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