Model of Management in an Organization with Quality According to Buddhist Principles

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Phrakhru Wirunsuwannadit
Phra Chaloei Imthap
Thatsanee Nueangdad


This article aims to study management style in a quality organization based on moral principles. The author saw that the decentralized form of administration it is a fast, uncomplicated operation. By integrating with the 4 Brahmavihara principles with the theory of management, POCCC is a theory from 5 functions: P-Planning: Planning O-Organizing: Organizing C-Commanding: Commanding C-Coordination: Coordination and C-Controlling: Quality management control to integrate the management process in the organization in a systematic manner with the Buddhadhamma 4 Brahma Viharn principles with the following contents: 1) Compassion, Love, Good Wishes, 2) Compassion, compassion, thinking that helps one get rid of suffering., 3) Mudita, joy in the well-being of others, 4) Upekkha, neutral trust.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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