Self-determination of Lady Pātipūjikā in the Dhammapada

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Phrakhru Aphirakchiamongkol (Wongmani)
Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo


This Article were as follows: the self-determination of Lady Pātipūjikā in the Dhammapada: Pātipūjikā’s determinations are based on her commitment to goodness and a clear purpose. It is a type of self-determination for the benefits of the future, namely, to be born as a goddess in the Tāvatiṁsā heaven as before. There are elements such as Paññā-dhiṭṭhāna- Pātipūjikā is a person of wisdom, virtue and talents of recalling her past lives; Saccā-dhiṭṭhāna-confidence in the truth and good deeds that she has sustained in Buddhism as well as helping the monks' affairs; Cāgā-dhiṭṭhāna- she likes to offer food and other things to monks, which is a sacrifice of both internal and external wealth; Upasamā-dhiṭṭhāna- Pātipūjikā was determined to make a wish every time she made merit to become a goddess in the heavens. The nature of her determination is her intention to perform the good deeds to make her wish fulfilled.

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How to Cite
Phrakhru Aphirakchiamongkol (Wongmani), & Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo. (2023). Self-determination of Lady Pātipūjikā in the Dhammapada. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(2), 273–282. Retrieved from
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