Phosphate Fertilizer Industry Capacity Reduction Policy in China, Based on CGE Model

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Yu Qingqing
Chalermchai Panyadee
Somkid Kaewthip
Bongkochmas Ek-lem


This study tries to research phosphate fertilizer industry policy in China by qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Based on an analysis of the government's macro policies that have had a significant impact on phosphate fertilizer industry in recent years, as well as the current research situation in relevant fields at home and abroad, a Computable General Equilibrium model for phosphate fertilizer industry in China is constructed through the computable general equilibrium model theory, input-output theory, social accounting matrix theory, and GAMS programming method. Relevant basic data are collected, and a model database is established. A static Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model is used to comprehensively evaluate and analyze the impact of export policies and value-added tax policies on relevant variables of phosphate fertilizer industry and macroeconomic. On the one hand, the research expands the development and application of CGE model research methods in China, on the other hand, it achieves a comprehensive evaluation of the effects of phosphate fertilizer export policies and value-added tax policies, and provides a useful reference for government decision-making.

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How to Cite
Qingqing, Y., Panyadee , C. ., Kaewthip , S. ., & Ek-lem, B. . . (2023). Phosphate Fertilizer Industry Capacity Reduction Policy in China, Based on CGE Model. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(4), 31–48. retrieved from
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