Language Interpretation on Buddhist Principles for Effective Communication

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Ekkachat Jarumetheechon


This article aims to present the meaning and importance of language and interpretation for maximum communication efficiency, complete benefits for both individuals and society based on principles of the Buddhadharma.
Language is a means of conveying symbols to understand each other. There are 3 important elements: sound, structure, and the meaning which has four main characteristics: stabling, narrowing, broadening, and transient meaning. In order to understand the meaning correctly, interpretation is required.
Interpretation is something that always happens when communicating with both spoken and written language. Because interpretation is the analysis of words or messages that communicated to determine the true meaning of the word or message in accordance with the intent of the communicator.
Those who interpret language effectively should adhere to the principles of the Buddhadhamma: 1) Attha-patisampada, having knowledge in terms of content and meaning to expand. 2) Dhammapatisampada, wisdom in the Dharma, that is, in principle, the issue can be clearly defined. 3) Nirutti Patisapadha, proficiency in language, ability to understand language in words, idioms, and flavors in language, able to choose and apply for efficiency. 4) Patiphan-patisapadha, having a keen intelligence to keep up with ideas, being able to connect existing or inherited knowledge, create knowledge, solve problems, and create.

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How to Cite
Jarumetheechon, E. . (2024). Language Interpretation on Buddhist Principles for Effective Communication. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(2), 363–374. Retrieved from
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