The Development of the Student's Reading Practice set for Reading Aloud, Diphthongs and Poetry Secondary 1, Bang Pa-in School “Rachanukroh 1”

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Anan Lakul
Ampornphan Yahom


The purposes of this research were 1) develop a set of exercises for improving the pronunciation skills of diphthongs for Secondary education 1/5 students at Bang Pa-in "Rachanukroh 1" School to meet the 70/70 criteria, and 2) compare the scores of diphthong pronunciation skills of students before and after learning with the set of exercises for diphthong pronunciation. This is quantitative research with a target group of 30 Secondary education 1/5 students at Bang Pa-in "Rachanukroh 1" School. The statistics used in data analysis include percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Data is analyzed using content analysis.
The results revealed that:
1. The set of exercises for diphthong pronunciation developed for Secondary education 1/5 students is effective at 70/70. The results obtained are 74.63/80.00, meeting the 70/70 criteria.
2. The comparison of diphthong pronunciation skills scores of students before and after learning with the set of exercises for diphthong pronunciation in poetry for Secondary education 1/5 students, shows that students have higher diphthong pronunciation skills scores after learning than before learning. The analysis of the average scores of the pre-test and post-test shows that the quality meets the specified criteria. Students scored a total of 149 points before using the set of exercises for diphthong pronunciation, with an average of 4.96, representing 49.67%. After using the set of exercises for diphthong pronunciation, students scored a total of 240 points, with an average of 8.00, representing 80.00%. This indicates an increase of 30.33% in the scores after using the set of exercises for diphthong pronunciation.

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How to Cite
Lakul, A., & Yahom, A. . (2024). The Development of the Student’s Reading Practice set for Reading Aloud, Diphthongs and Poetry Secondary 1, Bang Pa-in School “Rachanukroh 1”. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(3), 175–184. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)
Author Biography

Anan Lakul, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage Pathum Thani, Thailand

คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏวไลยอลงกรณ์ ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์ เลขที่ 1 หมู่ 20 ถนนพหลโยธิน ตำบลคลองหนึ่ง อำเภอคลองหลวง จังหวัดปทุมธานี 13180 โทรศัพท์ : 0 2529 0674 7 โทรสาร 0 2529 2580 E-mail :


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