Chi Valley Civilization: History Culture and Wisdom in Khon Kean Province

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Suwin Thongpan
Panjit Sukuman


The objectives of this research are; 1) to study the history, culture, and civilization of the Chi River in Khon Kaen province. 2) to study wisdom in the Isaan community and the sources of Chi River Basin civilization in Khon Kaen province. 3) to study the ways for maintaining and inheriting the Chi River civilization. in Khon Kaen province. This is qualitative research. The research tools used were in-depth interviews. Key informants included 7 academicians, 7 local philosophers, and 7 representatives from the government and private sector. Data were analyzed using descriptive methods.
The results showed that:
1. History, culture and civilization of the Chi River in Khon Kaen province. It was found that the history of Khon Kaen city had been started by Thao Phan as the founder, he gathered about 350 persons to set up houses at the edge of Kaen Nakhon lake on the 15th date of the waxing moon of the 4th lunar month in 1789. According to the Provincial Cultural Office of Khon Kaen province, they are as follows: 1) Red Cross Fair, Silk Festival and Xiao Fair 2) Songkran Festival and Khao Neaw Road. According to the Khon Kaen civilization discovered, they were as follows: 1) Prehistoric civilization 2) Historical civilization 3) Dvaradi civilization 4) Lopburi civilization 5) Lan Chang civilization.
2. Wisdom in the Isaan community and the Chi River civilization in Khon Kaen province, it was found that Isaan wisdoms are as follows: 1) Medical wisdom, 2) Wisdom on Food and nutrition, 3) Basketry wisdom, 4) Wisdom on Performing arts, 5) Wisdom on language and literature, 6) Weaving wisdom. The source of civilization in Khon Kaen Province, there is Savathi sub-district civilization.
3. Ways of maintaining and inheriting the source of Chi River civilization in Khon Kaen province were lessons learned from the Savathi sub-district civilization. There are 6 approaches: 1) Creating a museum of local wisdom, 2) Creating the creative art, 3) Creating the creative tourist attractions, 4) Creating the enterprises of community wisdom, 5) creating a network of wisdom and culture, 6) Using wisdom, culture and traditions to develop communities.

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How to Cite
Thongpan, S. ., & Sukuman, P. . (2024). Chi Valley Civilization: History Culture and Wisdom in Khon Kean Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(1), 1–16. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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