Development of Local Wisdom for Agricultural Water Conservation and Allocation in Nonirrigated Area of Sanpatong District, Chiang Mai Province

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Choosit Coochat
Thanat Boonchai


This qualitative research aimed to examine the implementation of local knowledge for agricultural water conservation and allocation, apply the wisdom to new technology, and create agricultural water conservation and allocation innovation based on the King’s Philosophy in non-irrigated areas. The population size is 21,044 people. A purposive sampling method is employed to select a sample group of 30 individuals for this qualitative research study.
The results revealed that:
1. Agricultural water allocation in the weir system began in 638 with the creation of Ngern Yang Township (Chiang Rai province). The superstructure controlled the system, including politics, law, customs, and culture. The lower structure consists of labor, technology, and natural materials. Human and animal labor works were used during construction. Moreover, land belonged to the ruling class. Commoners had to be permitted to own land, and labor and tributes were required to pay land rent fees. However, this situation was changed in 1899. The use of local wisdom in building weirs began to change when the Department of Irrigation initiated concrete weirs' construction since 1977. However, the organization and management of weir systems were entrusted to a committee elected by local residents. This committee became responsible for overseeing weir systems. The government is in charge of the construction and repair of weirs.
2. Currently, there is a problem of water scarcity, and addressing this issue through water conservation and allocation requires a comprehensive solution. These strategies involve legal regulations controlling agricultural land use, transitioning production systems by cultivating water-efficient crops, applying new agricultural theories, and utilizing appropriate technologies. Practices such as afforestation, dam construction, reservoirs, and weir establishment could also resolve water-related challenges. Introducing the principles of a sustainable economy helps mitigate cultural disparities, ensuring a complete and effective solution. Success is achieved when political, economic, technological, environmental, and cultural aspects align and work harmoniously to solve the problem.

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How to Cite
Coochat, C. ., & Boonchai, T. . (2023). Development of Local Wisdom for Agricultural Water Conservation and Allocation in Nonirrigated Area of Sanpatong District, Chiang Mai Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(4), 203–216. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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