Exploring the Impact of Female entrepreneurs’ Leadership characteristics, Social media use, Business Model Innovation and Employee’s Job Satisfaction on Firm Performance

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Xuan Ning
Muhammad Shahid Khan


The purposes of this research were 1) to study role of female entrepreneurs leadership in firm performance, 2) to find impact of female entrepreneurs leadership characteristics on business model innovation and job satisfaction, 3) to find impact of social media use on firm performance. Research objectives 1 and 2 adopt quantitative research methods since the questionnaire was organized on the basis of the previous maturity scale. The objective 3 is used mixed method (quantitative and qualitative methods). For quantitative research,the sample is 385 Chinese female entrepreneurs from China Association of women entrepreneurs (CAWE). The proportional random sampling method was used a questionnaire to collect data. Statistical analysis is conducted through the use of structural equation modeling (SEM) analytical techniques using Smart PLS. For qualitative research, semi-structured and in-depth interviews with 15 female entrepreneurs who use social media operation were to collect data.
The results of qualitative research showed that: a major challenge in measuring firm performance lies in adapting traditional performance measurement methods to social media. But the results of the interview can still prove it social media use motivation, social media use learning approach and social media use methods are important reasons for social media use performance, which should be evaluated from both non-financial attention and financial sales. To sum up, this study established a link between female Entrepreneurs’ leadership characteristics, social media use, business model innovation and employee’s job satisfaction on firm performance. These variables composed the conceptual model of this study and represented the basic process of female leadership characteristics and social media use making an impact.

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How to Cite
Ning , X. ., & Muhammad Shahid Khan. (2024). Exploring the Impact of Female entrepreneurs’ Leadership characteristics, Social media use, Business Model Innovation and Employee’s Job Satisfaction on Firm Performance. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(2), 99–114. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/268049
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