A Model for Integrating Buddhist Ethics with the use of Electronic Devices to Track Offenders in the Prevention of Repeat Offences of Probation Office

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Piyanut Masing
Suwin Thongpan
Jaras Leeka
Phramaha Papon Katasaro (Papon Sangyoi)


The purposes of this research were 1) to study Buddhist ethics used in integration with electronic devices to track offenders, 2) to study the use of electronic devices to track offenders, 3) to create an integrated model of Buddhist ethics and the use of electronic devices to track offenders to prevent repeat offenses of the Probation Office. This study was documentary research by collecting data from primary and secondary documents. The obtained data were descriptively analyzed according to the inductive principle.
The research results were as follows:
1. Buddhist ethics used in integration with electronic devices to track offenders is a principle that governs human behavior to make humans aware of the virtues, namely, Ovadapātimokkha, which consists of refraining from doing all bad deeds, doing good deeds, and brightening the mind and Tisikkhā consisting of Sīla-Sikkhā, Citta-Sikkhā and Paññā-Sikkhā.
2. Using electronic devices to track offenders is the use of electronic signaling devices attached to offenders who have been temporarily released to follow behavior to check the movement or position of the probationer according to the Ministerial Regulations in pursuing a probationer under the conditions of the court's release to live outside prison.
3. The model of integrating Buddhist ethics with the use of electronic devices to track offenders to prevent recidivism of the Probation Office is the application of Ovadapātimokkha and Tisikkhā to train offenders before installing electronic devices to create awareness for offenders to have morals, ethics, know how to restrain themselves, not to repeat the offense.

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How to Cite
Masing, P. ., Thongpan, S. ., Leeka, J. ., & (Papon Sangyoi), P. P. K. (2024). A Model for Integrating Buddhist Ethics with the use of Electronic Devices to Track Offenders in the Prevention of Repeat Offences of Probation Office. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(2), 73–82. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/268198
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