The Role of Community Leaders in the Promotion of Buddhist Political Ethics for Local Development in Khon Kaen Province

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Phukanchanakrit Pulanram
Ketsada Phathong


The objectives of this research were to: 1) Analyze the role of community leaders in Khon Kaen province. 2) Analyze Buddhist Political Ethics in Khon Kaen, and 3) Strengthen Buddhist Ethics for local Development in Khon Kaen province. It is qualitative research using document study and related research. In-depth interview from 35 key informants and focus group discussions by 12 qualified experts. Use content analysis techniques to add content and check the accuracy and completeness of the data using triangulation techniques. The present it descriptively.
The research results were as follows:
1. The role of community leaders in Khon Kaen province used their role to perform duties 6 aspects: 1) Leadership 2) Participation 3) Morality 4) Transparency 5) Rule of law and 6) Tradition.
2. The Buddhist Political Ethics in Khon Kaen province. The community leaders have used their role to control themselves, manage people and manage work with political Ethics. To carry out political and administrative duties according to the doctrines of RᾹJADHAMMA 10, which are divided into categories according to the Threefold training doctrines e.i. 1) the category of SῙLA (the precept or high moral character) includes DᾹNA (charity) SῙLA (the precept) good conduct and AVIHIṀSᾹ (non- violence) 2) The category of SAMᾹDHI (meditation) includes PARICCᾹGA (sacrifice), ᾹJJAVA (honesty), MADDAVA (kindness), TAPA (self-control), AKKODHA (non-anger) and KHANTI (patience) and 3) The category of PAÑÑᾹ (wisdom) include AVIRODHANA (conformity to the Law).
3. Strengthen Buddhist Ethics for local development in Khon Kaen province. The community leaders have strengthened their roles and consumer behavior: namely 1) Political participation 2) Social responsibility 3) Political behavior and 4) Political credibility which responds to the needs of local citizens in 3 areas e.i. 1) Liberty 2) Economy and 3) Peace, which the doctrines of APARIHᾹNIYADHAMMA 7, which is important doctrines for building unity and prosperity to promote local development to be sustainable according to the principles of governance that “Cure Suffering, Nourish Happiness”.

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How to Cite
Pulanram, P., & Phathong , K. . (2024). The Role of Community Leaders in the Promotion of Buddhist Political Ethics for Local Development in Khon Kaen Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(1), 93–110. Retrieved from
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