Strategies for Managing Quality Service in Community Hospital Region 7
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The purposes of this research were 1) to study the current condition, desired condition, and necessary needs of managing quality services in Community Hospital Region 7, 2) to create strategies for managing quality services in Community Hospital Region 7, 3) to evaluate managing quality services in Community Hospital Region 7. The sample group used in the research consisted of 327 executives and operational personnel. The instrument used was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire with a content validity between 0.80-1.00. The reliability was .90. Statistic used in data analysis was frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the PNI modified technique for ranking necessary requirements.
The results show that:
1. The current condition of managing quality services in Community Hospital Region 7 overall, was at a high level. When considering each aspect in order from the highest to the lowest were: 1) Continuous quality improvement, 2) Teamwork, 3) Verifiable, 4) Commitment to work. The aspect with the lowest average value was 5) Responding to needs, respectively. The desirable condition of managing quality services in Community Hospital Region 7 overall, was at a high level. When considering each aspect in order from the highest to lowest average value, they were: 1) Verifiable, 2) Continuous quality improvement, 3) Commitment to work, 4) Teamwork, and the aspect with the lowest average value was Responding to needs.
2. The strategy for managing quality services in Community Hospital Region 7 consisted of the strategy 1: Commitment to work, including of 8 measures and 8 indicators, the strategy 2: Responding to needs, including of 4 measures and 4 indicators, the strategy 3: Verifiable, including of 3 measures and 3 indicators, the strategy 4: Continuous quality improvement, including of 5 measures and 5 indicators, the strategy 5: Teamwork, including of 4 measures and 4 indicators, and the strategy.
3. Suitability assessment, possibility was at a high level could be used to effectively enhance the quality of academic work.
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